Air fried Chicken

Air Fired Teriyaki Chicken

30 min

Air Fried Teriyaki Chicken – It is a delicious and flavorful dish that involves marinating boneless chicken thighs in a mixture of soy sauce, rice vinegar, honey, sesame oil, minced garlic, and minced ginger. The chicken is then air fried until crispy and golden brown. The remaining marinade is used to make a teriyaki sauce that perfectly complements the chicken. The dish is easy to prepare and sure to impress your guests with its tender chicken, crispy skin, and sweet and savory flavor. Air-Fired Teriyaki Chicken enchanted by the umami-infused goodness of marinated chicken thighs. Furthermore, a combination of soy sauce and rice vinegar infuses the meat with a deep and savory richness, while honey adds a touch of sweetness that perfectly balances the flavors.

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